It runs from CD or downloads directly to any computer running the Windows operating system. Paint Tool Sai 2 Paint Tool Sai 2 software runs on different types of computers such as laptops and desktops. If you have trouble installing the software or playing the game, be sure to specify your distribution (with version and architecture), model of your graphics chipset and driver you are using. Definitely worth checking out while we wait for the full release of Paint Tool SAI 2. Overall, despite its shortcomings of being more of a technical preview, the latest version offers you a wonderful environment for drawing. The sai2 paint tool for freeware works very well, just like the well-known Adobe PhotoShop can work.

Unleash your creativity and become the best digital drawer.

Thanks to the latter, the user can practice in this field with all sorts of options and tools that hardly need any computer or graphic tablet technical requirements, and that are specially focused on drawing and painting. This program, developed by the Japanese company Systemax, was created to be used specially in the manga industry, but it has now crossed all the borders of free hand drawing. We're talking about digital enhancement and drawing software with which you can easily carry out all sorts of creations. PaintTool SAI is an easy-to-use program for computers and other devices equipped with Windows with which you can bring out your inner artist.